LPG is extremely versatile and portable. It can be used for a host of commercial and domestic applications including domestic heating, hot water, cooking, lighting, power generation and industrial heating. And, of course, LPG is also the most widely used alternative automotive fuel in Europe, powering more than 4 million vehicles.
LPG is available in a wide variety of packaging and storage options ranging from refillable cylinders to underground tanks. It is also a fuel that is available in even the remotest of areas, improving the lives of millions of European citizens and providing a further impetus to regional development.
In Austria, SHV Energy business unit Primagaz has developed a highly sophisticated system for supplying customers in very remote areas. Mountain lodges are being supplied with LPG using a special transportable tank. The tank is brought to the customer by helicopter, which then takes the empty tank back to the valley floor. For over 70 years, SHV Energy has been enabling families to enjoy holidays in out-of-the-way places secure in the knowledge that they need never be cold or unable to prepare a hot meal.