LPG helps reduce local air pollution

Poor air quality is still a major concern for all European Governments, yet about 15 member states are expected to fail to achieve their 2010 pollution-reduction targets.

One of the major causes of local air pollution in the EU is transport, with oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Particulate Matter (PM) being the three most serious pollutants.

LPG produces significantly less NOx and PM than diesel. Most European Governments recognise this and actively encourage the use of LPG in vehicles. However, because LPG vehicles can emit up to 20% less CO2 than gasoline, LPG can also make a major contribution to EU carbon-reduction targets.

But reducing local air pollution is a lot more than just achieving targets. Poor air quality damages human health, buildings and vegetation, at enormous economic cost. Europe has exceptional towns and cities. Let’s keep them that way by using LPG.

SHV Energy Companies provide LPG for vehicles in most European countries. By investing in a safe, reliable LPG refuelling infrastructure, SHV Energy has made a real contribution to improving local air quality in many European towns and cities.

Local-air quality footprintAutomotive priority pollutant emissions by fuel typeStationary-combustion priority pollutant emissions by fuel type

World leader in the distribution of LPG  SHV Energy Companies provide LPG for vehicles in most European countries. By investing in a safe, reliable LPG refuelling infrastructure, SHV Energy has made a real contribution to improving local air quality in many European towns and cities.